1.Inference, which includes apodictic inference and probable inference, is the chief thought pattern of ascertaining case quality.
2.His inference bollix d up the whole deal.
3.The inference I’ve drawn from his lateness is he overslept.
4.The editorial contained an inference of foul play in the awarding of the contract.
5.The different extruding condition to dreg prein's dissolubility inferences diversity largely.
6.his emphasis on order and health, and by inference cleanliness.
7.From his manner, we drew the inference that he was satisfied with the exam.
我们的态度断, 对这次测验很满意。
8.As well known, the loss of efficiency in est-imation and inference may be substantial if hetero-scedasticity is neglected.
9.You seemed to know about this book, and by inference I thought you had read it.
你好像了解这本书, 因此我断你已读过它了。
10.The inferences drawn from data have led to some major changes in our policy.
11.The integration uncertain border value is estimated by fuzzy inference and the soft switch control is accomplished by tanh(x) function replacing sgn(x).
12.This article analyzes stylistic salience and stylistic read-outness from the perspective of Gestalt psychology, pragmatic default inference, etc.
13.A belief rule -base inference methodology using the evidential reasoning approach (RIMER) has been developed, the RIMER expert system is explored on the basis of RIMER.