2.Pyrazole has been prepared through the dehydrogenation of 2 pyrazoline in which catalytic amonts of sodium iodide acts as dehydrogenation agent in sulfuric acid.
3.Comparison interventions included non-iodised salt, iodised water, iodised oil, iodation with potassium iodide versus potassium iodate.
4.Bromocamphor was oxidized in DMSO by air in the presence of sodium iodide and Co(CH_3CO_2)_2·4H_2O to give camphorquinone with a yield of 72%.
5.As to metal halide torch with gallium iodide is special rise 403nm and 417nm wave crest, and the highest wave crest 417nm has conspicuousness and good effect to exposal Diazo material.