6.the cost of the manor's restoration persuaded them to take in guests.
7.The builder of the manor house is a direct ancestor of the present owner.
8.The ghost of a hanged poacher is said to haunt the manor house.
9.the boundary between the two manors was properly staked out.
10.with the rain teeming down at the manor, Italy seemed a long way off.
11.My husband, he of the declasse jokes and Bud Light, looks as if he’s to the manor born.
12.This manor was built by Hugo, Sire of Somerel, the same who endowed the sixth chaplaincy of the Abbey of Villiers.
13.a medieval form of land tenure in England; a copyhold was a parcel of land granted to a peasant by the lord of the manor in return for agricultural services.
14.By the custom of many manors one shall lose copyhold if he claims it not within a year and a day after the death of his ancestor.