2.Milagros was born with a rare congenital condition called sirenomelia, which is also known as "mermaid syndrome".
3.Fluid of line of mermaid gold look, distinctive waterproof, prevent take off sweat, abidingly, not easily makeup dizzy, downy without stimulation.
4.2. A group of cells at the tip of the oogonium in certain green algae (Chlorophyta), such as the stonewort Chara and the mermaid's cup (Acetabularia).
A group of cells at the tip of the oogonium in certain green algae (Chlorophyta), such as the stonewort Chara and the mermaid's cup (Acetabularia).
6.Shiloh was born with "mermaid syndrome," also known as sirenomelia, and she only had one partially working kidney, no lower colon or genital organs and her legs were fused from the waist down.