There were detestably close synapses between homologous chromosomes during thellateprophase and early metaphase in mitosis of somatic cells.
There were detestably close synapses between homologous chromosomes during thellateprophase and early metaphase in mitosis of somatic cells.
Objective:To study the effect between Ethinylestradiol combined Rivanolum and Misoprostil and sole Rivanolum for stoping the metaphase and late pregnancy.
A dedifferentiation of mitochondria and plastids in structure in microspore mother cells was observed at from diplonema/diakinesis to metaphase Ⅰ,then a redifferentiation at dyad stage.
在小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中,有核糖体数量存在逐渐减少现象,质体和线粒体结构在双线期/终 变期和中期Ⅰ趋于简化;
Human Peripheral blood exposed with tritiated water at variousdoses for 54 hr was examined to observe the chromosome and chromatid abe-rrations at metaphases in the first mitosis of lymphocytes.