9.During the microsporocyte meiosis process, the cytoplasm division could be attributed to the simultaneous type, while the microsporocyte tetrad belongs to tetrahedral type.
10.The cytoplasm extended to proximal region.During light adaptation the arrangement of microvillus in the rhabdom was in disorde...
11.The large amount of PAO could be found in the cytoplasm of parenchyma in cotyledon and in the cell membranes and intercellular spaces of cortical parenchyma in phyllogen.
12.The cells above the stratum basale were polygonal cells with central nucleus and cytoplasm filled with rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, golgi apparatus and tonofibril.
13.Abundant virus particles and their virogenic stroma were observed in the cytoplasm of the epithelium of digestive diverticula.