Substrate mycelium , grow in the substate.
Substrate mycelium , grow in the substate.
SEM result indicates that the mycelium on the surface of ectoblast of Nocardia cell is the important attachable site.
扫描电镜检测结果表明, 诺卡细胞表面是重要吸附部位;
The 4 kinds of agent change into circular, then concentric circle;aerial mycelium first appears lacte, then changes into cinereous or black, aerial mycelium grows luxuriantly.
Dikaryon (dicaryon) A fungal hypha or mycelium whose cells each contain two different nuclei, arising from the fusion of two compatible cells, each with one nucleus.
Lucidum.The others including Kocide, potassium permanganate, sulfur powder and Dacotech had some negative effects on the mycelium growth of Lucidum and were not suitable for cultivation of G.Lucidum.
They grow as single cells that reproduce by asexual budding and oval or round in shape. Some yeast produce chains of elongated cells (pseudohypha) that resemble the mycelium of molds.