3.She nags at her husband about their lack of money.
4.The suspicion that she was lying continued to nag at me.
5.she constantly nags her daughter about getting married.
6.Reporters hounded the celebrity for an interview. Tobadger is to nag or tease persistently:
记者们为了达到采访的目的而四处追逐这位人。 Badger 意为不断地唠叨或挑逗:
7.Objective Urine and salive N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) and urine δ-aminolevuline acid (ALA) and urine AKP were observed in smeltery workers.
8.Alpenveilchen kann auf folgende Tierarten giftig wirken: Hunde, Katzen, Hasen, Kaninchen und andere Nager (Meerscheinchen, Hamster) und Vögel.Vergiftungsverlauf ist ähnlich wie beim Menschen.
9.The students may be whining in their hearts, thinking that I nag too much and that I am such a spoilsport to lecture them to behave themselves before they can eat.