1.It suggests that the PDCA circulation in the management of prevention and control of neonate omphalitis has certain effects.
2.Methods The reco rds of 37 neonates with omphalocele were reviewed and analysed.
3.The affected fetuses and neonates typically have severe facial defects, such as cyclopia, as well.
4.Inclusion criteria were age 21 to 34 years, nonsmoking, and without diabetes in the women, with a liveborn neonate after a singleton gestation.
纳入规范是年纪在21到34 岁之间、无抽菸、无糖尿病、有过一胎顺经验之妇女;
5.Methods:The temperature of 42 neonates in the incubators was measured at their axillar,back,waist,buttock and rectum at the same time,then the results were compared.
6.This kind of Incubator can be equipped selectively according with user: motorize cabinet, neonate phototherapy unit etc, it also can change some technical data properly according with the standard.
7.Plasma TXB2 and FPA should be considered as the early objective monitoring indices in neonates who are highly suspected as having pneumorrhagia.
8.Objective To explore the dynamic changes of somatostatin(SS), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyrotropic hormone in serum (TSH) in neonates with hypoxic-ishemic encephalopathy (HIE).
9.This paper proposes a designing concept of a multipurpose coloclyster for neonates,and introduces its structure and functions of its components in detail.