3.You can then find your own niche in public life.
4.Each animal has its ecological niche.
5.These animals are moving into the niche left vacant by the disappearance of the big predators.
6.countless specialized name brands geared to niche markets.
7.Residual choleateatoma was found more frequently in the anterior epitympanum, the oval window niche, and the hypotympanum near the tubal orifice.
8.His serenity was but the array of wild flowers niched in his ruin.
9.By learning from the city growth mechanism, the rivalship and evolvement of niche and evolvement of urban spacial frame were discussed.
10.Mosquito fish had large habitat niches, rapid growth rate, ovoviviparity, high reproduction rate and large adaptation reproduction conditions.
11.A mountain creates biotopes and eco-niches, it channels water and stores heat, it provides viewpoints and valleys, access and shelter.
12.Filling a niche separate from its green cousins, Deroplatys trigonodera, a leaf-litter mantid, has evolved the look of a leaf decomposing on the tropical forest floor.
14.To solve the problem of OFSS, this paper brings forward an algorithm based on niched genetic algorithms (NGA), which is of rather better astringent and stability.
15.Chris Langton, an advocate of autonomous machine life, once asked Mark Pauline, "When machines are both superintelligent and superefficient, what will be the niche for humans?