1.the norms of good behaviour in the Civil Service.
2.spotless behaviour is seemingly the norm in his organization.
3.Of his age, the child is above the norm in arithmetic.
在他那个年龄, 这个孩子算术能力是超过准。
4.The successful solvers had the abilities of unitizing and norming while solving the norming problems.
5.individuals who do not accept the norms are cast out from the group.
6.the current middle-class norm of two children per family.
7.Those enterprises keep books at planned cost or norm cost in daily accounting shall account for the coit variances and adjust planned cost (or norm cost) into historical cost periodically.
8.Even though formidable winters are the norm in the Dakotas, many people are unprepared for the ferocity of the bizzard of 1888.
9.fashionable outfit as a social norm even for men lack of expertise and connoisseurship, feeling of being overextended by the rapid changes fo fashion and style.
10.And "normative ethics" is characterized by its peremptoriness, that is, rules are laid down through legislation to set one's goal and norms of behavior.
11.On the other hand,we use a new method of moving neighborhood to simplify the proof for the continuity of a subconvex function defined on a convex in a normed linear space.
12.The kitchen was redolent with the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves. Something that isodd fails to accord with what is ordinary, usual, or expected, while somethingqueer deviates markedly from the norm; both terms can suggest strangeness or peculiarity: