2.Toplap is evidence of a nonde-positional hiatus .
3.United will be forced to make several positional changes.
4.It reacts action to protect affuse valve,to ensure affuse and capper positional veracity.
该装置应用于灌装机上 ,对保护灌装阀和保证灌装位置准确性起到极作用。
5.In contrast, fibroblasts in the adult salamander limb maintain a memory of this information system and can reaccess the positional Hox code in the process of limb regeneration.
6.Working on a comparable timescale, SIM should provide positional information for a subsample of faint stars, thereby probing the most tenuous star streams.
7.In the case of invariable of outrigger belt and changing the vertical positional arrangement, the effect on structural inner force, natural vibration period and sidesway were discussed.