the pardon was a quid pro quo for their help in releasing hostages.
the pardon was a quid pro quo for their help in releasing hostages.
The management have agreed to begin pay talks as a quid pro quo for suspension of strike action.
The terminus a quo for the Middle Ages is often considered the fall of Rome in 476.
Status quo of Hubei Province industrial textiles were analysed from aspects of whole scope,industrial stations,leading products,agminate development and predominance on study and so on.
Refuring to the annals materials about monitoring entomoplily animalcule, the paper carries assess through the the status quo of monitoring exno-organism.
et est plane nostrorum praeceptorum haec sententia, ut credamus inutilem esse damni infecti stipulationem, quo casu damnum alia actione sarciri possit: quod et in superiore casu intellegendum est.
The status quo and progress in reaction wetting, reactive brazer, interfacial reaction, joint strength and partial transient liquid-phase bonding were reviewed in this paper.