4.He’s booked himself into a rehabilitation clinic.
5.Objective To investigate the rehabilitation of pelvis disarticulation amputees.
6.took a carrot-and-stick approach to the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders.
7.The author discussed the necessitude of synchronization of cardiac interventional therapy and cardiac rehabilitation, and the methodology of cardiac rehabilitation medicine education in the article.
8.The earliest originator was Dr. Giterman who worked at the British Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled.
9.Overcrowded prisons are an impediment to the rehabilitation of criminals. Asnag is an unforeseen or hidden, often transitory obstacle:
10.Objective: To observe the early rehabilitation of dysphagy resulted from acute cerebral apoplexy through train.
11.Rehabilitant′s muscle spasm can make a tele-rehabilitation training system instable and cause its slave′s movement to be unsmooth when a rehabilitant receives a tele-rehabilitation training.
12.After investigating similar systems abroad, this dissertation puts forward a proposal to reconstruct the system of labor education and rehabilitation, that is, treatments of injuria.
13.Objective:To evaluate home environment of the initial diamorphine dependence sufferers and investigate a novel rehabilitation therapy in psychology and society for persons who rely on opium maternal.
目的 :评估初次海洛因依赖患者的家庭环境状况 ,探索阿片类物质依赖患者的心理社会方法。
14.American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, American Academy of Neurology.
【文献标题】Practice parameter for electrodiagnostic studies in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow: summary statement.
15.Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of frequency transpositional hearing aids on hearing and speech rehabilitation for children with profound hearing loss.
16.To study effective methods of promoting the rehabilitation of the patients with gastroplegia (GP) after operation on abdominal region (OAR).
17."It would be premature to make a strong case for people to seek them out," says Zev Rymer, medical director at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.