8.remnants of the reagent may give a false reading.
9.a remnant of his past glory.See Synonyms at remainder
他昔日荣耀子参见 remainder
10.Even at this hour it was acrawl with men, builders pushing up a new switchback stair to join the remnants of the old.
11.There was a distinct ancient endemism phenomenon in spermatophyte flora, owning to being 8 relict and remnant endemism genera in the total of 9.
12.The purpose of bleaching is to wipe off some pigment minim-metal ,soap, lecithoid ,remnant pesticide and other impurity.
13.Reserves geological and microtectonics fe ature play important control function of remnant oil distribution.Taking the Se ries as a whole, it is eviden...
14.Grant Gaskin (Gaskin): Our hotel is very elegant and sophisticated, but not hip or trendy.In her we can see both the remnant of the old concession era and contemporary spirit.
15.9 Thus says the LORD of hosts: Glean, glean like a vine the remnant of Israel; Pass your hand, like a vintager, repeatedly over the tendrils.
16.The untouched leavings from the banquet made a fine meal for the kitchen staff. Althoughremains often specifically refers to a corpse, it also applies to remnants, fragments, and relics, as of times past:
17.Methods:Under the condition of toponarcosis,using turbine machine to cut off the dental crown,then weging into the elevator to stick out the remnant wisdom tooth.
18.and about his shelves a beggarly account of empty boxes, green earthen pots, bladders and musty seeds, remnants of packthread and old cakes of roses, were thinly scatter'd, to make up a show.