7.The micrib belonging to bicollateral bundle is well developed.The bundle sheath is composed of idioblasts.
8.The result shows that inspecting cabtyre sheathing by ultrasonic is feasible, and the immersion method would be the most reasonable one.
9.The invention provides a formula of a waste PVC cable sheath/cellulosine composite board and a manufacturing technique thereof.
10.Objective: To isolate and culture hair outer root sheath amelanotic melanocyte derived from human scalp.
11.Palisade tissue is rich in saliferous vacuoles, while vascular bundle sheath is obvious.
12.In Japan the leaf sheaths are always conspicuously tuberculate-hispid; the older, lower sheaths with disarticulated blades are glabrescent and spotted with tubercles.
13.All the results demonstrated pyrenoid and starch sheath were closely related with photosynthetic function.
14.Coverer: Seamless sheath of ether-based urethane resistant to cathodic, hydraulic and other environmental conditions.
15.Body elongated or anguilliform covered with thick bonelike rhombic scales sheathed with ganoin.
16.Other findings may include vitreous cell, a granularity of the fovea, retinal vascular sheathing, early hyperfluorescence of the white dots with some late staining.
17.Applying basic magnetofluiddynamic theory, the author analyzes the model flowing in plasma sheath under the combined action of magnetic and electric field.
18.A sheathed heater is used for the drying heater,Also the heater box had a structure to which rectification is added so that it has better temperatures and hot airset temperature is smaller.
19.The frame style knife fits snugly into a slim Kydex sheath so it is readily accessible, whether tucked into a cargo pocket or attached to a MOLLE vest.
20.Culms more robust, 80–140 cm tall. Leaf sheath densely pilose at base. Glumes usually scabrous-hirsutulous along veins. First lemma 8–9 mm; awn 10–18 mm.