9.The moon also triggers the spawning of dog and cubera snappers.
10.Your drake tank needs to know when and where the three drakes spawn so he is always at the new spawn point before the drake is targetable.
11.The computer industry has spawned a lot of new companies.
12.the spawning instinct in salmon; altruistic instincts in social animals.
13.the decade spawned a bewildering variety of books on the forces.
14.why had she married a man who could spawn a boy like that?.
15.The Feeler Antlion needs to be kept alive and tanked, and it will spawn an Executioner Antlion periodically.
试探者蚁狮需要保持活着而且储于槽中, 和它将会定期地产一个死刑运行人蚁狮。
16.shotten Recently spawned and thus less desirable as food, e.g. especially said of herring.
17.Artificial credit expansion — credit not funded by savings — creates the business cycle by spawning capital malinvestment.
18.residual fecundity The number of vitellogenic or advanced yolked oocytes in ovaries showing postovulatory follicles. This indicates that these emales had already spawned some eggs.