do a [口语]仿效,模仿,学…的样子
do well 做得好;进展好
do so 如此做
do in 使精疲力竭
do right 做得对
do it all 服无期徒刑;多才多艺;包办一切
do wrong v. 作恶
have to do with 与…有关
make do 凑合着用;
…权充;设法达成 have done with 做完;和…无关
do by 对待
do well for oneself [口语]兴旺,发达,昌盛,成功;变得富裕起来;改善自己的社会地位
do well for 获得大量的…;有很多的…供应,得到…充足的供给
do one's bit 尽自己的一份力量
do up 整理;刷新;修缮;使精疲力尽
do or die 决一死战
nothing doing 不行;办不到
do it up [美国俚语]干净利落
do to death ◎杀死;处死;谋杀;◎把(笑话等)重复得令人生厌;
dos and don'ts 执政党与在野党;注意事项,行为准则