7.in a straightforward case no fees will be charged.
8.straightforward in one's dealings
9.We took a straightforward route to the beach.
10.I’m a blunt straightforward man;I hate sham.
我是个耿直坦率人, 我讨厌虚伪。
11.A straightforward talk is better than a flowery speech.
12.White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush's misstatement "just shows even the most straightforward and plain-spoken people misspeak."
13.I chose a roundabout road to avoid the rush-hour traffic. In their extended sensesthe terms are applied to something that is not open and straightforward;they sometimes imply an effort to evade or deceive:
14.Afterwards I found out my girl friend, she straightforwards of said with me, be you this image?Have finished the province pair of nasal discharge, layer after layerly sighed tone.