Fourteen patients who could not subluxate the tendons out of the groove underwent a dynamic ultrasound examination of the tendons.
3.surgeons had to reconnect tendons, nerves, and veins.
4.He was running at full speed when a tendon snapped in his leg.
他正全速奔跑时,腿部的一条腱断了。 of her Achilles tendons had begun giving her gyp.
6.Objective To evaluate the effects of fibrin glue and gatifloxacin on preventing adhesion and local infection of tendon after tenorrhaphy.
7.Methods 56 patients with open achilles tendon ruptures were treated by Tsuge stuture or auxileary repair with free deep-fascia circuitously.
8.Objective To study the effect of pretensioning on quadrupled-stranded semitendinosus and gracilis tendon graft length during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
9.Objective :Type I collagen was extracted and purifiedfrombovine tendon,then made to base matrix scaf-fold of artificail bone .
10.Conclusions Tenodesis using the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon is a simple and effective procedure for treatment of distal radioulnar joint dorsal subluxation without arthritic change.
11.Methods After applying tenolysis to adhesive tendon, we associated with active digitorum flexor training and systematic recovery therapy.
12.Surgical repair of tendon tears combined with a peroneal groove-deepening procedure with retinacular reefing is a reproducibly effective procedure for this condition.
13.This orthosis plays an effective role in the protection of nerves, tendons, extremity of vascular anastomosis and the prevention of allotopia after fracture due to different trainings.
14.According to injury tissue,50.38% of the injuries were to muscle,tendon,vagina and enthesis;10.79% were to the ligament;9.47% were to the joint.