1.The albumin,globulin,prolamin,and glutelin of the protein were obtained by the multiple-step extraction method.
2.Major proteins: b-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobulin.
3.Consequent upon the structural flexibility and the ligand binding, circulating albumin exhibits chemical and physical microheterogeneity.
4.Conclusion Microdose albumin detection is a sensitive,convenient and quick method which can be widely applied in the routine labs.
5.Results:As a result of PE therapy, the clinical symptoms eased up sooner, the icterus slacked up, albumin and cholinesterase elevated , PT resumed, alexin ...
6.Of four protein fractions, glutelin, globulin and albumin had larger coefficient of variation than prolamin, although their difference in prolamin content was cultivar type dependent;
7.Objective: To investigate the role of microglobulin (MG) and albumin (ALB) in serum and urine in diagnosis of early renal involvement in primary Sjgren's syndrome (PSS).
8.Semiantigen sulfamethoxydiazine (SMD) was coupled with carrier protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) to prepare complete antigen SMD BSA by glutaraldehyde method.