8.Electronic banking may make overthe- counter transactions obsolete.
9.the company is selling most of its continental commercial banking operations.
10.The newspapers are in full cry over this new banking scandal.
11.a big-league politician; one of the big-league banking institutions.
12.The morning began fine, but now clouds are banking up.
早晨开始是晴天, 可是现在乌云密布。
13.The whole banking scandal came into the open after somebody found some confidential documents on a train.
14.There are so few jobs in banking at the moment that you’re not really in a position to pick and choose.
15.I know one investment banking boss who penalises underlings for lobbying crassly.
16.farm failures, a yardstick of federal banking policy. See also Synonyms at ideal
农业落后是衡量封建金融政策的标准 参见同义词 ideal
17.Contrary to the glibness with which some proponents advocate it, government control of big banks is not a quick and painless solution to the banking mess.
18.Terdapat informasi kurs valuta asing, dan akses ke rekening nasabah.
网站简介 : Layanan internet banking dari Bank Central Asia.