3.The cost of the breakages will be deducted from your pay.
4.In calculating profit, retailers must allow for breakage and spoilage.
5.an allowance for breakage; made allowances for rush-hour traffic in estimating travel time.
6.CONCLUSION: Base pair substitution mutation and frame shift mutation were caused by folpet in Ames test.And DNA breakage in human PMNC might be induced by folpet.
结论: 灭菌丹可引起鼠伤寒沙门氏菌碱基置换和移码突变,并可能损伤人外周血淋巴细胞DNA完整性。
7.In this paper, a new broken rope protection device for incline tramroad vehicle was stated.The design was discussed in this cuniform increase power safety device of breakage rope and test was done.