1.This transforms the callus into a tougher fibrocartilaginous callus, which bridges the gap between the two pieces of bone.
2.The plant tissue is introduced to these genes via agrobacillus and in the callus culture, the callus resisting phytopathogen (bacteria and fungus) can be externally chosen.
3.Callus was efficiently induced from in vitro root segment devoid of rhizodermis on MS medium.
4.<br/> This paper deals with studies on in vitro culture of bulbil o f Dioscorea opposita,including callus induction and differentiation,plantlet root development and transplantation.
对怀山药(Dioscorea opposita)零余子愈伤组诱导、分化、再生苗生和移栽进行了研究。
5.The results showed that the sequence of the ability to generate the callus was flowering branch >anthotaxy >lamina, and the best result of plant regeneration was with the cultivation of the flow...
6.Abstract: Ethionine-resistant cultures were isolated by screening seedlings for ethionine-tolerance and selecting the calluses on an ethionine-containing medium.
摘 要: 用乙硫氨酸为筛选剂,通过幼苗和组培养筛选得到乙硫氨酸抗性愈伤组。
7.Under the selection pressure of crude toxin filtration, three kinds of treatment methods and four kinds of phytotoxin concentrations were used to screen the blast-resistant callus phenylalanine.