6.More expensive cameras have adjustable focusing.
7.the harsh lights and cameras were hardly conducive to a relaxed atmosphere.
8.Cameras and microphones at the ready, they waited for the new President to appear.
9.The house has 7 security cameras, and is prewired for a bose surround sound system.
10.The tourists got out of the coach, armed to the teeth with cameras, binoculars, and guidebooks.
11.The presidential candidates were out on the streets again today, smiling for the cameras and pressing the flesh.
12.The weatherproof, tamperproof cameras feature 540 lines of resolution, 0.5 lux sensitivity, and 12 VDC operation.
防雨,防篡改的有540线的分辨率, 0.5勒克司的灵敏度,和12伏直流电作业。
13.His working tools are a light top laptop computer, cameras and sometimes devilling diving equipment.
14.Most motorists seem to accept that the speed cameras are all in a good cause (=they help to keep people safe on the roads by stopping people driving too fast) .
15.You cannot unhitch the technology of TV from the many hosts it depends on: radio, silicon transistors, LCD screens, cameras, artificial lighting, and electrical generation.
16.Ship mistrim caused by ocean wave affects imaging of cameras fixed on deck of aircraft carrier.To compensate ship mistrim, a crosshair stabilization method was developed.
17.The complex is furnished with advanced AMF-8800 pinsetter system, intelligent scoring system and tracking cameras.A customer-friendly guiding system is set up to make sure that no one gets lost.