3.Chapter six analyzes phase equilibrium and phase rule of the polycomponent system using the principle of equilibrium stability.
4.equilibrium of power between Western and Eastern countries;
5.Such an equilibrium is called a subclimax, plagioclimax, disclimax, or biotic climax.
6.The curve and its character of the vapor liquid equilibrium of aceton water system was researched.
7.When the deformable mirror is drived by the cosinoidal signal, the response equilibrium displacement is frequency doubling cosinoidal.
8.Based on the experimental data, the partitioning equilibrium constant of L tryptophan ( L Trp) was obtained.
9.The wall catalytic effect is an important factor determining aerothermal heating intensity in the chemical non-equilibrium gas model.
10.The fate and transport fluxes of chlordecone in air,water,sediment and soil were estimated using the Equilibrium Criterion(EQC)model.
11.The binary solid-liquid equilibrium phase diagram for fluorene and 2-methyl-diphenylene oxide is analyzed according to the experimental results.
12.The tautomeric equilibrium between the azo type and the hydrazone type of these compounds in different solvents and different acidity has also been studied.
13.Based on the non-equilibrium thermodynamic coupling model,the isotherm,isopiestic and cross section phase diagrams for diamond growth in C-H-O system are calculated.
14.In a three-phase coexisting equilibrium system, the middle phase may exist in the form of nonwetting, partial wetting, or complete wetting.
15.The function equilibrium models were successful in the simulation of the root/canopy ratio at the periods of the vegetative growth, but were poor to simulate portioning among other organs.
16.The end point of the collapse and relaxation of a protogalaxy is a dark matter halo, inside of which the baryonic gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium at a temperature of typically a few million degrees.
17.It has shown that they can be used neither for appreciation of equilibrium state of the earth, nor for the explanation of tectogenesis.
18.The authors determine the critical relative humidity of sodium cephazolin powder by equilibrium moisture method, the value is about 67% at 20℃.
19.The equation for estimating α(subscript CO2) in metamorphic fluid of carbonate rocks is formulated by thermodynamic calculation for equilibrium state of decarbonation.
20.Two kinds of products can be obtained in the addition reaction of benzaldoxime with propinol, in which 3-hydroxymethyl-dihydroisoxazol is the main product when reaction equilibrium is reached.