2.nutritional gill disease Gill hyperplasia caused by a deficency of pantothenic acid in the diet.
3.Gill was intent on her gardening magazine.
4.Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily.
吉尔突然抓住我手, 热情地和我握手。
5.There is a close analogy between the gills of a fish and the lungs of a mammal.
6.I was stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake.
7.opercular Pertaining to the operculum; gill cover. Often used for the opercle.
8.we stuffed ourselves to the gills with scrambled eggs on toast.
9.Mr Gill spotted the manuscript at a local auction and purchased it for £1,500.
10.Rachel remembered the magic fire stick Wizard Giller had given her.
11.Trama The inner tissue of the gills in basidiomycete fungi that is made up of loosely packed hyphae.
12.The intestine,adductor muscle,nephridium and gill anlage develop after 90 days.
13.Gill's last school report shocked his parents into action.
吉尔最后成绩单使他父母大为震惊, 他们不得不采取行动。
14.Behind is a thorn in rats called horsetail beefwood trees in rats gill and common horsetail beefwood role of sand was locked.
15.Smolin and Gilles Brassard cast caution aside and undertook a groundbreaking experiment that would demonstrate a new cryptography based on the principles of quantum mechanics.
16.York Catholic District School Board Centre for the ArtsAdd: 525 New Westminster Drive, ThornhillDr.
Vincent Lam, 2006 年Scotiabank Giller 奖获得者将与读者分享写作心得.
17.Unlike other molluscs, bivalves lack a radula and feature labial palps, which carry food from the gills to the mouth.
18.The results show that the gill surface of all five species have frontal cilia,lateral cilia and laterofrontal cirri.