2.historically, ‘inquire’ is a by-form of ‘enquire’.
3.historically important buildings
4.It was good drama, but historically inaccurate.
5.historically, government policy has favoured urban dwellers.
6.a historically unprecedented growth in retirement at a fixed age
7.Historically there was no letter “l” in the word “could”; it was inserted by analogy with “would”.
在历上, could一词中没有字母l; 那是按照would一词类推而加上去的
8.Inland river freight costs are historically high for a tight supply of barges, increased operating costs, and higher demand moving commodities upbound on the major rivers.
9.Noteheads may be black (a circular or oval shape filled in) or white and are used on the staff to indicate pitch. The shape of noteheads has differed historically, as in plainchant.