5.literally an undutiful herb) a variety of cotton rose.
6.It is context and convention that determine whether a term will be interpreted literally or metaphorically.
7.Tiramisu, literally translated ‘pull-me-up’.
8.these two chemicals, when mixed together , literally explode.
9.statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading.
10.men will literally choose death over ratting out another prisoner.
11.shiatsu literally translates as ‘finger pressure’.
12.the driver took it literally when asked to go straight over the roundabout.
13.There’s no way we can even think about going on holiday this year, as we are literally living from hand to mouth.
14.The signing in Moscow's Kremlin on the night of August 23-24 of the Nazi-Communist "NonAggression" Pact was a diplomatic demarche literally world-shattering.
15.With so many risks, it is no surprise that many people find geophagy ─ literally the eating of earth or soil ─ unappetizing.
16.char siu bao, steamed shrimp dumplings (cantonese 虾饺 ha gow), watercress dumplings (西菜饺) etc.
Dim Sum - (literally touch of heart), small dishes served with tea usually at brunch, e.g.
17.LORI WALLACH: Basically, NAFTA on steroids with six more countries. That model has a core of rules that literally promote, incentivize shipping jobs away.
18.31:17 sometimes are used to prove that God literally created the entire universe in six days and that, scripturally-speaking, a pre-Adamite creation is impossible.
19.Epigenome literally means "above the genome." It is a molecular marking system that controls gene expression without altering the DNA sequence.In a sense, the epigenome is the genome's boss.