2.Argand's mobilism thought as to the dynamical evolution process of the tectonics in On Major Tectonic Forms of China. Then, he absorbed the quintessence of A.
3.Dongting basin was shaped not only by tectonic movement but also by potamic and anthropogenic influence.
4.This crisis possibly causes the world civilized tectonic plate's constructivity migration.
5.The sequence classification and dynamic analysis of this basin provide an important evidence to the stratigraphic correlation, tectonic analysis and minerogenesis.
6.As is well known the regional tectonic stress field is of great importance to the study of seismogenesis, earthquake prediction and earth dynamics.
7.Then use antitone structural analysis method to recognize and reconstruct the primary tectonic structure and sedimentary feature of a basin in certain geological history.
8.The tectonic stress field in Tengchong volcano areas is oriented as NNE-NE-NEE, nearing horizontal compr essive stress field.
9.1. the backbone fault of the nappe tectonic was not “F.2”, but within the anhydrite member underlaid the nappe, and the anhydrock was an ideal lubricating layer;
10.The styles of the detachment structure are short antiform and synform structure mainly, and dome structure, nappe outlier and nappe tectonic window too.
11.The atectonic movement is the dominant factor for developing the slope breaks,and the scale of slope breaks intimately relates with the size of tectonic movement.
12.Suo Shutian.Zhong Zengqiu.You Zhendong Extensional tectonic framework of the Dabie-Sulu UHP-HP metamorphic belt,central China,and its geodynamical significance 2001(1
13.ynamic metamorphous features and evolutionary process of tectonic coal have been studied by X-ray diffraction and electron spin resonance(ESR).
14., suggesting the significant shifting of sediment provenance, the stable trending of tectonic movement, and the wet and torridity aridity of paleoclimate condition.
15.By using the approach of morphostructure and tectonic chronology analysis, neotectonic activity evidences and characteristics as well as its ralation to uranium mineralization were researched.
16.Characteristics of plastic deformation of stress minerals in veins, such as subgrain tectonics, deformation, lamellae and deformation bands, can be found.
17.Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics Sulfur, salt, and other minerals color the crater of Dallol volcano, part of the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia.
18.The reasons forming abnormal formation pressure mainly includes digenesis, thermogenesis, biochemical action, tectonic action, dialysis, and fluid density difference action.
19.The protocontinent of the Southern Hemisphere, a hypothetical landmass that according to the theory of plate tectonics broke up into India, Australia, Antarctica, Africa, and South America.
20.The basin tectonic model: it is intermont basin during late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, developed into faulted-lacustrine basin in Eogene, and evolved into depression in Neogene and Quaternary.