5.The country has sold out its principles in yielding to the demands of a military power.
6.Yielding himself to his feelings of worthlessness, he tried to kill himself.
他总觉得自己一无处, 便企图自杀。
7.The long cruel winter came to an end at last, yielding to a gentle warm spring.
漫长严冬终于结束, 随之而来春天。
8.Overseas research progress of new process for synthesis glycerol from formaldehyde is introduced. Close relationship of the technology yielding with formose technique is reviewed.
9.small mallee with rough dark-colored bark toward the butt yielding a red eucalyptus kino.
10.He whom it describes scarcely impressed one with the idea of a gentle, a yielding, an impressible or even of a placid nature.
11.A tropical American shrub or small tree(Quassia amara) having bright scarlet flowers and yielding a valuable, lustrous, fine-grained, yellowish-white wood.
12.amily owned winery in the region of La Horra, possibly the most prestigious plots by the bank of the river Duero.This area is known for low yielding high quality grapes and outstanding wines.