1.Some people think that the government will regulate the reseach on human cloning sorner or later.
2.DVD CLONER II which make DVD cloning more conveniently, pleasurably and economically.
二, DVD的克隆,使克隆的DVD更方便, pleasurably和经济。
3.Cloning is the process that an offspring which has the same genomes with matriline is procreated by using agamogenesis technology.And Cloning technology is an important technology in life science.
4.Yang XM.XieL.HuZY.Qiu ZH,WuCT,HeFC Human augmentor of liver regeneration:molecular cloning,biological activity and roles in liver regeneration 1997
5.The present study is the first to report on the usefulness of puromycin for production of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic piglets after somatic cell cloning and embryo transfer.